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Educational Trust

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Structure and Governance


As a Multi Academy Trust we have a duty to ensure that effective operation of all schools leads to a successful, exciting and safe educational experience for our pupils. 

The Trust operates three tiers of governance to achieve this aim, but all have a primary duty of providing both challenge and support the leadership to ensure the Trust is continually moving forward and being successful.


MET Members

Members hold the Board of Trustees to account for effective governance, ensuring that trustees fulfil the three core functions - setting and monitoring the strategic direction of the trust; holding leaders to account for academic performance across the trust and ensuring that the finances are properly scrutinised. Members are signatories of the Articles of Association and can both appoint and remove trustees. 


Board of Trustees

The Trustee Board provide strategic direction and challenge, hold leaders to account for the academic performance of each of the trust schools and ensure robust scrutiny of the trust finances. The Trustees delegate aspects of their duties to Local Governing Board (LGB) at each individual school.  The Trustees Board are accountable to the Members.


Local Governing Boards 

Each individual school has a Local Governing Board (LGB). They meet every term.

The LGB provide support and challenge to school leaders and assurance to the Trustees Board. They ensure that educational standards are continually improving  and compliance to statutory practice. LGBs are accountable to Trustees .

Local Governing Body (LGB) details are below.


Executive Leadership

The Executive Leadership are the employed professionals who enact educational, financial and operational procedures or Mercian Educational Trust and the individual schools. They provide advice and proposals to MET governance groups to ensure high quality decisions are made. 


School Leadership

School Leadership are the employed professionals who enact educational, financial and operational procedures at the individual schools. They provide advice and proposals to LGB groups to ensure high quality educational standards are maintained. 
